LET’S TALK!! What’s The Meaning Of “AlabaMusa” We Always Say To Beggars?

LET’S TALK!! What’s The Meaning Of “AlabaMusa” We Always Say To Beggars? 1

Hello Guys,

I believe we all grew up hearing and saying the word “Alabamusa” every time a Hausa/Fulani beggar begs us for Money – am I right?

We always say this word just to discharge them or let them go away if we do not have money to give to them 😄

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Now, have you ever thought of what “ALABAMUSA” really means?

Is it an Arabic or Hausa Word?

I don’t know the meaning too but I really want to know the true meaning of the word we all have been using in the last 10 to 15 years of our life 😭

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What Is The Meaning Of Alabamusa?

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