LET’S TALK!! The Accountant-General Office That Got Burnt, A Way To Defraud Nigerians Or Just Normal Disaster?

LET’S TALK!! The Accountant-General Office That Got Burnt, A Way To Defraud Nigerians Or Just Normal Disaster? 1

Hi guys, have you heard about the latest news?

In case you’re missing out on the gist, the accountant general office that the money of about $800 million allocated to fight the coronavirus has got burnt.

Hmm, sometimes ago we heard that snake allegedly swallowed the sum of N36 million then monkey ate some cash too. Now, the office of the accountant general has been burnt which mean there’s no means to give account of the money spent over the pandemic virus.

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Why all these are happening to us especially in this trying time? 😭😭

Guys, lets talk. What do you think about this?👇

Is This A Normal Disaster Or A Way To Defraud Nigerians?

Let’s hear from you all

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