Celebrity: Happy Birthday to DJ DON FLASH (C.E.O www.9jaupdate247.com) @djdonflash

Celebrity: Happy Birthday to DJ DON FLASH (C.E.O www.9jaupdate247.com) @djdonflash 1
Popular/Award Winning Blogger/Disc Jockey celebrates his Birthday in a very special way in this month of Love making history as he adds +1 to his age
  • I respectfully acknowledge you, My Friends, Famz and Family all your undying efforts and contributions towards my Career and Success…
Kindly send your gifts and good wishes across to me on 13th February directly via text message (08178838988) Social media handles (@djdonflash @9jaupdate247 ) on Whatsapp (08097848095)
I call on my fellow Deejays both International and National DJ’s, Popular and Upcoming DJ’s, Male and Female DJ’s to show me real love and Support by Retweeting and Rebroadcasting, Commenting, sharing and wishing me well
More especially I recognize the prestigious #Bloggers that have continually projected me and Company to world at large words are not enough to qualify how grateful I am wholeheartedly I say a big thanks to you all