The news and above photo went viral on several blogs that a Nollywood stuntman got burnt during the shooting of a movie. Even Vanguard online reported that the actor ‘sustained terrible fire injuries while performing fire stunts during a movie shoot.’ But could you believe that the above picture is NOT REAL.
The Actor/stuntman, Ani Iyoho who played the role of Federal Road Safety officer was badly burnt
in a scene in the movie. The video clip posted online showed him on fire, burning. He was rolling on the floor and screaming. Clearly, the make-up and effect was far too good for many Nigerians to believe it was just a movie
Many people posted the photo on Facebook and were asking for prayers.
The director, Stanlee Ohikhare at a press conference yesterday to address the rumour said,
every safety measure was in place.
Measures includes the provision of FIVE working Fire extinguishers, a water source which in this case was a stream nearby from where we pumped water, a Fire Blanket and absolute professional preparation for the stunt…
We set him on fire, following strict professional guidelines.
It is noteworthy that when this new broke, I only got one message from a reporter. It was from Segun Odejimi of TNS. And I told him to debunk it.
We knew the craze for trending news would override the truth – even if one reputable source was projecting it.
But contrary to several speculations that he got burned and that the stunt was a failure, we indeed did succeed at pulling it off and Ani Iyoho is here with us today, very healthy. He was willingly in on this from the beginning.
To the Press, journalist and bloggers alike, we must maintain a high level of professionalism in our reporting. Journalists and pressmen – even bloggers; can linger on a social cause till the needful is done.
The movie is titled Behind the Wheels.