Abosi Bruno Chinomso | Popularly Known As [Wirelex Dbadbest] Biography

Abosi Bruno Chinomso | Popularly Known As [Wirelex Dbadbest] Biography 1
My name is Abosi Bruno Chinomso, popularly known as Wirelex (dbadbest), I was born in the year 1998 June 3rd and was born into the family of Okoli Abosi in Umorie Ibiasoegbe in Imo state, I started my music career in the year 2010 after the death of my father John Okoli Abosi. 
Although music is in me since of my birth, my first time of entering studio was when I traveled to my sisters place in obowo IMO state, we were three then as a crew, we sang together then, but after three years later we parted ways, so I later came back to my village to start afresh, I hustled before I released my first track tilted “Sekene”, it reign in my village only, cause I don’t have money to promote it then, later in 2017 I released another dope hit “Milk Industry
Abosi Bruno Chinomso | Popularly Known As [Wirelex Dbadbest] Biography 2

Although in 2015 I opened a music label call “F.M.P” (Freedom Music Planet), this label helped me financially, cause many guys joined it then and they payed for it, which I used the money to pursue my career back then, now in 2018 I have released many tracks which helps in selling my name this days, my songs like “Ofuaka and Nwakaego, can now be heard almost on every street in Nigeria it is now everywhere and can be downloaded through google search.

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Things was very hard before but now am seeing light everywhere, first of all I thank God Almighty who did it for me, my second thanks goes to my family and the womb that gave birth to me, thirdly to my fans, those that always love what I do, lastly let me thank O.Y.K and Nnabest who always shown me love. I love all my fans and I know that you all love me too. ***Smiles***